Monday, May 26, 2008

God's Faithfulness

I just received an email from my PPRC (Pastor Parrish Relations Committee) Chair. He is a retired Air Force Colonel. He signed the email with this closing: "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition". For some reason, that seems like one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Who knows, though, I am tired after many cookouts and much barbecued food...

Today has been a great day of visiting with friends, talking, relaxing, and eating. I can't eat much at one time, but it seems like all I have done today is eat. Memorial Day madness!

Since Memorial Day is a day of remembering, my thoughts have turned, again, to God's faithfulness in my life. That was the topic of my sermon yesterday: God's faithfulness. God is good, that is His nature, He can be nothing other than good...and the best news: God longs to be good to us, to lavish His beauty and blessing upon us.

All I have to do is look back on my life for proof of God's goodness. I see evidence of God's faithfulness around every corner. I couldn't always see it at the time, but in retrospect, it is obvious that God was always present and continually working for my good--even in the darkest, most disappointing moments.

The other day, I was driving down a tree-lined, bending kind of road. Because of the way the trees were, and the nature of the road's curves, I couldn't see much of what was up ahead. It made me think of life, the way we don't know what is coming next around the bend. That used to be a scary thing to me, that "unknown". The longer I live and the more I experience of God, I am more excited than frightened about what is around each corner. Even if something really bad is up ahead, God will be right there with me in the midst of it. What more do I need? The very intimate Presence and help of the God who breathed life into dirt so I might exist. It makes me think of the words to an old hymn: "What have I to fear? What have I to dread? Leaning on the Everlasting Arms". Those "Arms"--that unending faithfulness of God--is the same today as it was yesterday. God will not fail us. In that alone, I find my deepest rest and peace.

I mentioned in my sermon yesterday that I recently saw a colleague of mine, a fellow pastor, who I only see once or twice a year. Before he speaks, I know exactly how the conversation is going to go. It will be negative, heavy, and sad. I almost dread asking the question: "How are you?" He always answers, and it is always bad. Has God failed to be good to him? Has God failed to be present? Has God failed to bring good things to pass in the midst of the difficulties?

God does not fail...we fail. We fail to see what God is doing in our midst. We fail to look. We fail to reflect on our lives and see the trace of God's Hand, bringing beauty out of the ashes. If we have nothing to be thankful for, if we see no evidence of God's faithfulness, it is because our vision has faltered, not because God has failed to be good.

I realize that Memorial Day--a day of remembering--is almost over, but I encourage you to take some time to think about God's faithfulness in your life. It takes work to cultivate a grateful and trusting way to start is to actively reflect on God's nature and His gracious actions in your life. God is good...all the time. God has been good to you. God will continue to be good to you. Open your eyes and see more of His goodness.

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